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hieratic lessons

by Joanie Veum Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to learn to write hieratic writing?

Learning to write hieratic from this book involves mainly repetitive copying of the given words (probably akin to the way it was taught three millennia ago). The author's stroke numbers could have been arranged so that all big strokes are odd, and all small ones are even (for a better mnemonic).

What is the difference between hieroglyphic and hieratic script?

The Hieratic script was invented and developed more or less at the same time as the hieroglyphic script and was used in parallel with it for everyday purposes such as keeping records and accounts and writing letters.

What is the difference between hieroglyphic and demotic writing?

It was used until the 26th Dynasty, though by that time, it was only used for religious texts, while the Demotic script was used for most other purposes. A simplified and abbreviated form of the hieroglyphic script in which the people, animals and object depicted are no longer easily recognisable

How do you write a hieratic?

Hieratic was written in one direction only, from right to left. In earlier times the lines were arranged vertically and later, about 2000 bce, horizontally. Subsequently the papyrus scrolls were written in columns of changing widths.

What is the meaning of word hieratic?

Definition of hieratic 1 : constituting or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing simpler than the hieroglyphic. 2 : sacerdotal. 3 : highly stylized or formal hieratic poses.

What is the hieratic style?

Hieratic (/haɪəˈrætɪk/; Ancient Greek: ἱερατικά, romanized: hieratiká, lit. 'priestly') is the name given to a cursive writing system used for Ancient Egyptian and the principal script used to write that language from its development in the third millennium BC until the rise of Demotic in the mid-first millennium BC.

What was hieratic used for?

Hieratic was a simplified form of hieroglyphics used for administrative and business purposes, as well as for literary, scientific and religious texts. Demotic, a Greek word meaning "popular script", was in general use for the daily requirements of the society.

What is a hieratic in art?

noting or pertaining to certain styles in art in which the representations or methods are fixed by or as if by religious tradition. highly restrained or severe in emotional import: Some of the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved.

Why did many scribes learn Greek?

Sometimes scribes used a faster short form of hieroglyphics on papyrus called hieratic. When the Greeks took over Egypt, many scribes had to learn Greek as well.

Which cultures used hieratic scale?

The hieratic scale is a system used to visually communicate power in Egyptian, as well as the art of other cultures, including the ancient Near East and in medieval European art, for example.

What is modern Egyptian writing called?

hieroglyphsEgyptian languageEgyptianWriting systemhieroglyphs, cursive hieroglyphs, hieratic, demotic and Coptic (later, occasionally, Arabic script in government translations and Latin script in scholars' transliterations and several hieroglyphic dictionaries)Language codesISO 639-2egy (also cop for Coptic)10 more rows

Who is a famous scribe?

Scribes generally wrote on papyrus with reed brushes dipped in ink. One of the most famous scribes was called Imhotep. Imhotep was the architect of the Egyptian Pharaoh Djoser and was said to be responsible for the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Our statue was made to honor the scribes in ancient Egyptian history.

Why was hieratic invented?

The Hieratic script was invented and developed more or less at the same time as the hieroglyphic script and was used in parallel with it for everyday purposes such as keeping records and accounts and writing letters.

Why was Egyptian writing so complicated?

Why So Difficult? One reason for the difficulty, as scholars learned later, is that hieroglyphic symbols can represent not only sounds (like an alphabet), but also whole syllables, and whole words.

What was the importance of writing in Egyptian society?

Writing. The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and government. Thus, they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information. The most famous of all ancient Egyptian scripts is hieroglyphic.

Web sites of general interest

Unfortunately there are not sites created by scholars, or by Egyptology institutions, dedicated specifically to Hieratic. There are some introductory pages dedicated to the topic in sites more specifically dedicated to Egyptian civilization in general (, )

Academic materials

Basic lessons in Hieratic Five paleographic lessons to begin, ed. by Stephen Fryer, self-taught expert. The lessons are divided into : 1. "alphabetic" signs; 2. most common determinatives; 3. most common bi- and triliterals; 4. ligatures; 5. numbers.


There are no hieratic fonts: photographs of originals are used for publication; moreover, Hieratic has traditionally been published in Hieroglyphic transcription.

Collections of texts and digital libraries

Trismegistos An interdisciplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources dealing with Egypt and the Nile valley between roughly 800 BC and AD 800. There are very rich databases of metadata on papyrus and parchment.

What is the Hieratic script?

Hieratic script. The Hieratic script was invented and developed more or less at the same time as the hieroglyphic script and was used in parallel with it for everyday purposes such as keeping records and accounts and writing letters. It was used until the 26th Dynasty, though by that time, it was only used for religious texts, ...

What is the script of the 25th dynasty?

There were a number of regional variations, one of which, a northern version, developed into the Demotic script by the 25th Dynasty.

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