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green and blue mixed make

by Dale Klocko Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

When you mix blue and green paint together, you get blue-green, which is a tertiary color on the color wheel. Blue-green sort of resembles a turquoise color or the color of the sea. It's one of the most common and most desirable tertiary colors.

What color does blue and green mixed together make?

When looking at what color green and blue make when blended, it shows a lot of colors interact with one another. Cyan is the byproduct of these two hues, but sometimes a new color is formed when mixing different quantities of green and blue. This is helpful information to understand when you are engaging in the arts.

What color do you get when you mix blue and green?

  • Blue. By adding the color blue to green, you produce blue-green.
  • Yellow. When yellow is added to green, yellow-green is created.
  • Red. Red mixed with green always produces shades of brown.
  • White.
  • Black.

What is the mixture of blue and green?

What Does Blue and Green Make? Equal amounts of blue and green mixed together produce the color Cyan. Cyan is one of the three secondary colors on the additive color model of Red, Green and Blue, known as RGB. The subtractive model of primary colors are red, yellow and blue, or RYB. These colors are not produced by mixing with any other colors.

What colors go with green?

Pair a Color with Green

  • Emerald Green + Navy. If you’re working with a small space, not to worry. ...
  • Forest Green + Brown. ...
  • Emerald + Burnt Orange. ...
  • Olive + Light Orange. ...
  • Lime Green + Pink. ...
  • Douglas Fir + Blush. ...
  • Pale Green + Tan. ...
  • Sea Foam + White. ...
  • Kiwi + Off-White. ...
  • Antique Green + Mustard Yellow. ...

What Color Do Blue and Green Make When Mixing Paint?

When you mix blue and green paint together, you get blue-green, which is a tertiary color on the color wheel. Blue-green sort of resembles a turquoise color or the color of the sea. It’s one of the most common and most desirable tertiary colors.

What Color Do Blue and Green Make When Mixing Lights?

Colors in lights and printing use different color models than painting and other hands-on art forms. So, when you mix blue and green lights together, you get cyan, according to the RGB color wheel. This color wheel is a form of additive coloring that’s used to make colors on your monitor using only red, green, and blue.

Designing with Blue and Green

Blue and green are both cool colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. So, they can work together well in designs. In addition to using blue and green, you can also add blue-green to the mix for a wider variety of colors. Creating an art piece of only cool colors will leave viewers feeling relaxed.

Why combining additive and subtractive colors result in different colors?

If you mix all the colors of light which are additive, what do you end up with? White light. But if you mix all the colors of paint which is subtractive what color do you end up with? Black paint. This is the primary difference. With light, you are mixing wavelengths together, adding them up to some color. With paint, you are removing colors.

What does red and green make using subtractive color systems?

Like in painting, what happens if you mix green and blue? In the real world we have more than 16 millions colors, but obviously you can’t buy 16 millions of color tubes, right? And lots of artists or painters would buy only 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 or 64 set of color tubes and they will make the rest by combining them.

What does green and blue make using additive color systems?

A process of mixing colored lights is known as additive mixing. Color additive mixing has three primary colors: red, green, and blue. A screen will appear white when these colors of light are displayed at the same time.

What Color Do Red and Green Make with Paint?

When mixing red and green paint together, you’ll usually end up with an unpleasant shade of brown. Green is a mixture of blue and yellow, so mixing it with red is like mixing all three primary colors together, which would also result in brown.

Can You Mix Colors to Create Red and Green?

Green is an easy color to mix. It’s a secondary color, meaning it’s a mixture of two primary colors. If you mix an equal amount of yellow and blue together, you’ll get green. If you use more yellow or more blue, you’ll get a yellow-green or blue-green instead, which are tertiary colors.

What Color Do Red and Green Make with Light?

While red and green make brown when mixing paints, other mediums like light are drastically different. In lights, the primary colors are red, blue, and green rather than red, blue, and yellow. So, in that case, red and green create yellow.

What Color Do Blue and Gray Make in Paint?

If you swirl blue and gray paint together, you’ll get a blue-gray color. Depending on the type of gray and blue you choose, it could look like lead or steel gray.

What Color Do Blue and Gray Make in Lights?

Nothing will happen if you try to mix blue and gray lights because there’s no such thing as gray light. Black is the absence of detectable light, and gray is just a lighter version of black.

Designing with Blue and Gray

When blue and gray are used together, they provide a calming and soothing effect. They might be used together in a somber painting or a relaxing office space. However, they could be considered too serious for most bedrooms and living rooms, unless other colors are added to the design.

Mixing with Gray Can Be Tricky

When you think about mixing colors, gray probably isn’t one of the first colors you think to use unless your goal is to tone down another color. That’s because gray can make paint mixtures dull, and gray can’t be used when mixing lights. However, it can still create some unique paint colors, especially when mixed with blue.

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