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edgar cayce on fasting

by Juanita Turner I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Edgar Cayce

Association for Research and Enlightenment

The Association for Research and Enlightenment, also known as Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., was founded by Edgar Cayce in 1931 to research and explore subjects such as holistic health, ancient mysteries, personal spirituality, dreams and dream interpretation, intuition, philosophy and reincarna…

recommended 3 day Apple Fasts to hundreds of people to 'cleanse all toxic forces from any body' and said that fasting is one of the most effective ways of preventing disease. He himself fasted on apples for 3 days three times a year.

Full Answer

How many days did Edgar Cayce fast?

Edgar Cayce’s 3-Day Apple Fast. Edgar Cayce recommended 3-day Apple Fasts to hundreds of people to ‘cleanse all toxic forces from any body’ and said that fasting is one of the most effective ways of preventing disease. He himself fasted on apples for 3 days, three times a year. This Apple Fast provides not only the benefits ...

Why is it called a fast?

It’s called a fast because, by eating only (organic) apples, the body is fooled into a fasting mode, where it starts dumping toxins from the liver, kidneys, and other internal organs, into the bloodstream, where they can be leeched by the pectin.

What happens if you don't eat fat for days?

When you don’t eat any fat for days, your liver and gallbladder store up bile.

Grape Juice Intake

Instead of following a strict diet, leaving out specific foods, the Edgar Cayce readings emphasize a more balanced approach with reductions and some elimination of food groups as part of one’s dietary regimen.


Just what type of grape juice do the readings recommend? The answer is contained in the following exchange: “ (Q) Is it important to reduce weight? How much and by what means? “ (A) It is more important that an equal balance be kept.

Benefits of Grape Juice

A thirty-four-year-old woman asked Cayce why she had been advised to take grape juice for her weight problem.

Duration and Additional Suggestions

Once you begin drinking the grape juice on a daily basis, how long before you see results? Much like other dietary regimens, one needs to be consistent as well as persistent. One woman asked,“What length periods should the grape juice be taken?” The reply: “At least for a month or six weeks.

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