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does peppermint extract keep ants away

by Nils Bednar PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Peppermint is a natural insect repellent that may effectively deter ants and other bugs, such as mosquitoes. To use peppermint essential oil as an ant deterrent, complete the following steps: Mix 10 to 20 drops peppermint essential oil with 2 cups water in a clean plastic spray bottle. Can I use peppermint extract instead of peppermint oil


Peppermint is a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint. Indigenous to Europe and the Middle East, the plant is now widely spread and cultivated in many regions of the world. It is occasionally found in the wild with its parent species.


See, most bugs, especially ants, HATE the smell of peppermint. It doesn't necessarily hurt them, they just stay away from it. So, I make this spray and keep it right under my sink just in case they try to come back. If you already have an ant problem, use THIS Recipe to Kill Ants.

Full Answer

Does Pepermint really keep bats away?

While peppermint oil is an effective deterrent, it’s not a long-term solution. Therefore, you’ll need to reapply the oil every few days. You’ll also want to be extra careful about leaving cotton balls out for too long. Once the odor fades away, your little visitors might haul these off to furnish their nests.

Will peppermint oil kill ants?

Peppermint Peppermint is a natural insect repellent that may be very effective at repelling ants and other bugs, such as mosquitoes. Mix 10 to 20 drops of peppermint essential oil with 2 cups of water. Spray the mixture around the baseboards and windows of your home. Let dry. Likewise, do ants like the smell of peppermint?

Does peppermint oil work to get rid of ants?

You can also use peppermint oil for ants by putting a few drops of the essential oil on a cotton ball and using it to wipe baseboards, entryways and garbage areas to repel ants. You can also leave a peppermint oil-infused cotton ball in cabinets and other areas to get rid of ants in the kitchen.

Which pests can Peppermint repel?

  • Peppermint Plants The easiest way to prevent a mouse invastion in the first place is to post peppermint plant sentries around your home. ...
  • Peppermint Sock This method is easy for when you want a quick solution. ...
  • DIY Spray Shoshanna’s favorite method is an easy-to-make spray. ...

Can you use peppermint extract to repel ants?

Use a mix of 15 drops peppermint oil and seven drops lemon oil with water to spray food-preparation areas. Vinegar: This vinegar spray makes great natural ant repellent. Mix equal amounts of common white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray areas where ants enter the home.

What does peppermint extract repel?

Use as a pest repellent Peppermint oil is commonly used to repel ants, flying insects, rodents, and spiders.

Does peppermint attract or repel ants?

Peppermint spray Unlike humans, ants hate the smell of peppermint. Now, you could unwrap a bunch of peppermint candies and strategically place them all over your house to repel ants.Aug 21, 2017

Is peppermint extract the same as peppermint oil?

Peppermint oil and peppermint extract are two very different ingredients. Peppermint oil is the pure essential oil derived from peppermint leaves. Peppermint extract is a mixture of peppermint essential oils and alcohol.

Can you use peppermint extract to repel bugs?

Not only does peppermint oil repel ants, it also repels spiders. In fact, peppermint keeps most pests away, including aphids, beetles, caterpillars, fleas, flies, lice, mice and moths.Aug 20, 2018

What animals hate peppermint oil?

Castor, peppermint, and spearmint oils are odors that digging and burrowing animals dislike. (This can include groundhogs, mice, moles, rats, skunks, voles, and others.)

How do you use peppermint for ants?

Peppermint essential oil is a powerful ant repellent and I have found that ants will not cross a line of peppermint oil wiped on a surface. It also makes your home smell great! To treat a surface with peppermint oil, place a few drops of undiluted peppermint oil on a cotton ball or the corner of a rag.Aug 1, 2018

Why do ants hate peppermint?

Ants rely on chemical signals to navigate toward food and their nest, so removing their trail with soap and water, or using negative signals or repellents such as peppermint oil will disturb the chemical trail and discourage the ants from coming back.

What scents deter ants?

To recap, here are 12 different scents you can use to repel ants:Vinegar.Coffee grounds.Cucumber.Citrus peel.Lemongrass oil.Cayenne powder/black pepper.Tea tree oil.Peppermint oil.More items...

Can I put peppermint extract in my water?

1. Buy some peppermint extract and a medicine dropper and make your own "Mint" water. The extract adds zero calories and a refreshing taste. 2.Nov 10, 2011

How long does peppermint extract last?

about 3 to 4 yearsProperly stored, peppermint extract will generally stay at best quality for about 3 to 4 years. To maximize the shelf life of peppermint extract, keep the container tightly closed when not in use.

What's the difference between mint extract and peppermint extract?

When on the extract aisle of the grocery store, there's a difference as well. Mint extract is a mixture of spearmint and peppermint, whereas peppermint extract is just that. Mint brings a bright, bold flavor to recipes.

Does Peppermint Repel Ants?

Ant presence in homes can become worrisome when faced with a full-blown infestation. These creatures can get into food supplies and cause significant damage.

Ants And Peppermint Oil

If you’ve had your doubts about the efficacy of peppermint oil as an ant repellant, such doubts are disproved here.

What Does Peppermint Oil Do To Ants?

Whenever you apply peppermint oil to ant-infested areas, it does a great job at eliminating scent trails left behind that connect to food sources. Plus, its minty fresh scent is detested by these creatures.

How To Apply Peppermint Oil For Ants

As earlier stated, the success of your treatment largely depends on the results obtained.

The Use of Peppermint Oil May Not be enough

One of the things you’ll need to consider is identifying ant attractions in your home. These crawling insects will walk into your home when there’s an incentive to do so.

How to make a peppermint spray?

Step 1 - Fill your spray bottle up ¾ of the way with water. Step 2 - Add 2 tablespoons of witch hazel to the bottle. Step 3 - Add 12 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil to the bottle. Step 4 - Place the lid on your spray bottle, and shake well before each use since to make sure the ingredients are all working together.

How to make a spray bottle with peppermint oil?

What you will need: Spray Bottle ( Purchase Glass Spray Bottles HERE ) ( Purchase Plastic Spray Bottles HERE ) Step 1 - Fill your spray bottle up ¾ of the way with water. Step 2 - Add 2 tablespoons of witch hazel to the bottle. Step 3 - Add 12 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil to the bottle.

Can you put peppermint in a pool?

This is perfectly safe for countertops, sinks, the inside of cabinets and wood surfaces...just don't leave it in a pool. WARNING - Do not get this in your eyes...I am speaking from experience here. Peppermint and eyes do not mix. If you get it on your hands, be sure to wash them thoroughly before touching your face.

Is peppermint spray safe for ants?

Homemade Peppermint Ant Spray. This 3 ingredient, non-toxic Peppermint Ant Deterrent Spray will keep ants out of your home safely and with a pleasant smell. You will never have to buy store bought, chemical filled ant spray or ant killer again!

How to keep bed bugs away from peppermint?

How do you use peppermint to keep bed bugs away? For bed bugs, this is strong enough to kill them. That’s why if you spray peppermint oil or solution on bed bugs, they will die. This isn’t the most effective way to get rid of bed bugs though. To kill them, you have to spray them directly.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in peppermint?

Another way to use peppermint to repel mosquitos is by crushing its leaves. Crush the leaves and rub the oil on your skin. When you do this, mosquitoes will fly right past you.

What is the best way to kill pests in your home?

The strong scent of peppermint is something that a lot of pests can’t stand. Using peppermint leaves or oil is a great way to eliminate pests in your home.

How to get rid of wasps in my house?

All you’ll need is peppermint oil and some cotton balls. Soak the cotton in the oil, and place them in strategic locations around your house. You want to place them in potential nesting spots. When the strong scent of peppermint hits the wasps, they will go well away from your home.

What is the most annoying pest?

One of the most annoying and painful pests to have around are wasps. If they are outside, they won’t be a problem if you leave them alone. The problem is a lot of times, wasps make their nests in homes. This is when things go bad.

Does peppermint repel mice?

Peppermint cannot repel mice. Yes, mice indeed have very sensitive noses. But mice are not the kinds of animals to shy away from strong scents if it means food. That’s why even if your house is a peppermint wonderland, mice will still come in if you let them.

Does peppermint oil kill fleas?

Unfortunately, when it comes to fleas, peppermint does not kill them. It doesn’t repel them either. This is a pest that peppermint oil isn’t very effective against. That said, you can use peppermint oil to kill off flea larvae. You can also use peppermint oil to soothe the bites of fleas.

How to prevent ants from entering your home?

You can use different ways to physically prevent ants from entering your homes known as exclusion. Remember, why ants come to your home? Food and water! All you need to stop providing these attractive things to prevent them from entering your home.

How to get rid of carpenter ants?

If you find large colonies of ants in your home, insecticides are the most effective way to eradicate carpenter ants. Precaution! You must use it carefully. Otherwise, it can be very dangerous for kids and pets. Insecticide comes in different types:

How many different species of ants are there?

According to different studies, there are almost 12,000 different species of ants. However, there are a few breeds that commonly exist indoors. Here is a list of some of the most common disastrous families:

What is the most common type of oil used for pest control?

Different firms produce these oil grinding, squeezing and steaming plants to extract chemicals. For example, lemon, orange, peppermint, and lavender are the most common types of oils and juice.

Can you tolerate ants?

Ant infestation is a story of each and every house. No one can tolerate them. There are different ways to get rid of ants. However, you will have to use more than one ways to completely eradicate them from your home.

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