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does aflac cancer policy have a death benefit

by Prof. Alexandrea Fadel IV Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

CANCER-RELATED DEATH BENEFIT Aflac will pay 25 percent of the Internal Cancer Benefit amount when a covered person suffers a cancer-related death. DEFINITIONS CANCER-RELATED DEATH: death as a result of internal cancer. Internal cancer must be listed as the primary or a contributing cause of death on the death certificate.

This benefit is payable once per Covered Person, per lifetime. Cancer-Related Death Benefit Aflac will pay $5,000 when a Covered Person suffers a Cancer-Related Death.

Full Answer

Is Aflac Cancer insurance worth it?

The solution, some say: cancer insurance — a type of plan that has stirred debate. Proponents say alongside a major medical plan, cancer insurance helps offset costs and keep cancer patients and their families on their feet. It’s offered by companies like Aflac and Allstate, with monthly premiums typically costing between about $20 and $40.

What does Aflac Cancer insurance pay?

Aflac Cancer Policy. LABORATORY TEST AND X-RAY BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $35 when a Covered Person requires, and incurs a charge for, a laboratory test or an X-ray. The laboratory test or X- ray must be performed in a Hospital, Medical Diagnostic Imaging Center, Physicians office, an Urgent Care Center, or an Ambulatory Surgical Center.

Do you carry cancer insurance for Aflac?

Critical illness insurance sometimes covers kidney failure, major organ transplants and ALS, too. Aflac and other cancer insurance providers typically offer critical illness policies as well. This makes it relatively easy to purchase both types of coverage at the same time, if needed.

What does the Aflac Cancer Policy cover?

What does the Aflac Cancer policy cover? The plan pays a cash benefit upon initial diagnosis of a covered cancer , with a variety of other benefits payable throughout cancer treatment. The Aflac Cancer Care plan is here to help you and your family better cope financially—and emotionally—if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs.

Does Aflac pay for cancer death?

Aflac will pay $3,000 upon a covered person's onset date of carcinoma in situ. This benefit is payable once per covered person, per lifetime. Aflac will pay 25 percent of the Internal Cancer Benefit amount when a covered person suffers a cancer-related death. CANCER-RELATED DEATH: death as a result of internal cancer.

Does Aflac pay a death benefit?

S. ACCIDENTAL-DEATH BENEFIT: Aflac will pay the applicable lump-sum benefit indicated below for an Accidental-Death. Accidental-Death must occur as a result of an Injury sustained in a covered accident and must occur within 90 days of such accident.

What does my Aflac cancer policy cover?

Limitations and Exclusions Aflac pays only for treatment of cancer, including direct extension, metastatic spread, or recurrence, and other diseases and conditions caused, complicated, or aggravated by or resulting from cancer or cancer treatment.

Can you cash out Aflac cancer policy?

If you have an Aflac cancer policy, you can then file your covered claim to receive cash benefits. You can use the payment to help cover the screening, surgery, or to help with your utility bills—you decide.

Does Aflac cover funeral expenses?

When someone is depending on you for financial security, you can count on Aflac for Life. You can choose the face amount that fits your budget as well as your lifestyle. If something happens to you, your loved ones will have cash benefits that can help with: Burial and funeral expenses.

Does Aflac have burial insurance?

Burial insurance is a type of supplemental life insurance that helps cover burial expenses for the policyholder. This may be particularly helpful for the surviving spouse. This type of benefit is not currently offered at Aflac, but there are other supplemental options worth visiting.

Do cancer policies have a death benefit?

Luckily, the answer to this question is usually yes. Most insurance policies today will indeed cover a death caused by cancer, so your loved ones will be financially protected after you're gone.

What does a cancer policy cover?

What does cancer insurance cover? Cancer insurance can help you handle medical plan deductibles, co-pays and other out-of-pocket costs; non-medical expenses such as transportation to treatment facilities; even everyday living expenses such as groceries, rent and mortgage payments.

Is a cancer policy worth it?

One shocking reason cancer insurance policies can be a waste of money is that most cancer insurance doesn't even cover skin cancer. And skin cancer is very common. Not only that, but cancer insurance most often doesn't cover outpatient expenses related to cancer treatment.

Does Aflac pay in one lump sum?

A lump sum benefit is paid directly to you upon diagnosis of having had a critical illness. Your dependent children are covered at no additional cost. We now offer the option of guaranteed-issue* lump sum critical illness coverage. That means no medical questionnaire is required.

How much is Aflac cancer wellness benefit?

FIRST-OCCURRENCE BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $5,000 for the insured, $5,000 for the spouse, or $7,500 for children when a covered person is diagnosed with internal cancer. This benefit is payable only once for each covered person and will be paid in addition to any other benefit in the policy.

Do you get money back from Aflac?

Aflac will pay you a premium refund value based upon the annualized premium paid for the rider, the policy, and any other attached benefit riders. All Return of Premium Benefits/premium refund values paid will be less any claims paid.

How much does Aflac pay for cancer?

First-Occurrence Benefit Aflac will pay $5,000 for the insured, $5,000 for the spouse, or $7,500 for children when a covered person is diagnosed with internal cancer . This benefit is payable only once for each covered person and will be paid in addition to any other benefit in this policy.

What does Aflac cover?

What does the Aflac Cancer policy cover? The plan pays a cash benefit upon initial diagnosis of a covered cancer, with a variety of other benefits payable throughout cancer treatment. The Aflac Cancer Care plan is here to help you and your family better cope financially—and emotionally—if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs.

What is a cancer policy?

A cancer policy is designed to fill the financial gaps when benefits stop being paid or expenses are not covered under a basic health insurance policy. A critical illness policy normally pays out a lump-sum for diagnosis of specific illnesses such as heart attack, kidney failure, or organ transplants. Beside above, does Aflac cancer policy have ...

Does Aflac pay for cancer related death?

CANCER-RELATED DEATH BENEFIT: Aflac will pay the amount shown in the Policy Schedule when a Covered Person suffers a Cancer-Related Death. If a Covered Person has a Loss before his or her coverage under this rider has been in force 30 days, benefits will not be payable for that Loss.

What is Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance 2?

Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance 2 helps with medical expenses like chemotherapy and with non-medical expenses like travel and lodging to help keep life as normal as possible for you and your family.

What is Aflac insurance?

Aflac cancer insurance is here to help you and your family better cope financially—and emotionally—if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs. Added comfort and protection means the freedom to focus on more important things. 1.

How long does it take to get a full refund from a cancer insurance policy?

The policy contains a 30-day waiting period. If a Covered Person has Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition diagnosed before his or her coverage has been in force 30 days, benefits for treatment of that Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition, or any recurrence, extension, or metastatic spread of that same Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition will apply only to treatment occurring on or after 31 days from the Effective Date of such person’s coverage. At your option, you may elect to void the coverage and receive a full refund of premium.

How long do you have to be free from treatment for cancer?

In addition, for benefits to be payable for a recurrence, direct extension, or metastatic spread of any Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition that was diagnosed prior to the Effective Date of coverage, the Covered Person must be free from Treatment for that Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition for a consecutive 12-month period before the diagnosis date of the recurrence, direct extension, or metastatic spread.

How long does it take for a cancer insurance to be void?

If a Covered Person has Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition diagnosed after the date the application for coverage was signed but before the Effective Date of coverage, benefits for treatment of that Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition, or any recurrence, extension, or metastatic spread of that same Cancer or Associated Cancerous Condition, will apply only to treatment occurring after two years from the Effective Date of such person’s coverage. You may, at your option, elect to void the coverage and receive a full refund of premium.

Does Aflac pay for cancer?

Except as specifically provided in the Benefits section of the policy, Aflac will pay only for treatment of Cancer or Associated Cancerous Conditions, including direct extension, metastatic spread, or recurrence. Benefits are not provided for premalignant conditions or conditions with malignant potential (unless specifically covered);

Is Katy from Aflac a real person?

Katy is a real Aflac policyholder. This is her story. Your benefits from Aflac may differ. Katy was paid for her time in telling her story and is also an employee.

When was Aflac founded?

Founded in 1955, Aflac is the largest provider of supplemental insurance products to individuals, families, and business owners in the United States.

How to make a final decision about buying cancer insurance?

The best way to make a final decision about buying cancer insurance is to talk with an insurance agent or broker that represents multiple insurers that offer cancer insurance plans. Some agents exclusively sell Aflac supplemental insurance plans, but they won’t be able to provide you with comparable and competitive plans and pricing.

How much does lung cancer cost?

As you may already know or can imagine, the cost to treat cancer is exorbitant, and climbing. According to Aflac, the average cost of lung cancer is $156,938. This would include expenses for a biopsy and other tests, diagnosis, doctor’s and surgeon’s costs, treatment, and many other related expenses.

Does cancer insurance cover skin cancer?

You’ll find that some cancer policies don’t cover certain cancer types, such as non-melanoma skin cancer , or side effects from cancer treatment, including pneumonia or dehydration.

Which companies sell cancer insurance?

Some top-rated companies sell group or individual cancer policies, including Cigna, Allstate, Mutual of Omaha, and United Healthcare.

Does Supplemental Insurance replace Health Insurance?

It’s important to keep in the forefront of your mind that supplemental insurance coverage does not replace health insurance. Instead, supplemental insurance is precisely what the name implies — a supplement to other coverage, much like you take a vitamin supplement to help satisfy your nutritional needs.

Does Aflac pay for bone marrow biopsy?

The insured received a diagnosis of leukemia and underwent treatment. As a result, Aflac paid a total of $32,150 in benefits.

How much does Aflac pay for chemo?

a. INJECTED CHEMOTHERAPY BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $300 per day during which a Covered Person receives and incurs a charge for Physician-prescribed Injected Chemotherapy. The Surgical/Anesthesia Benefit provides amounts payable for insertion and removal of a pump. Benefits will not be paid for each week of continuous infusion of medications dispensed by a pump, implant, or patch. This benefit is limited to one payment per Calendar Week in which the charge for the medication(s) or treatment is incurred. No lifetime maximum.

What is the benefit of Aflac?

1. INITIAL DIAGNOSIS BENEFIT: Aflac will pay the amount listed below when a Covered Person is diagnosed as having Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition while this policy is in force, subject to Part 2, Limitations and Exclusions, Section C, of the policy.

How long does Aflac pay for hospice?

For this benefit to be payable, Aflac must be furnished: (1) a written statement from the attending Physician that the Covered Person is Terminally Ill, and (2) a written statement from the Hospice certifying the days services were provided. This benefit is not payable the same day the Home Health Care Benefit is payable. Lifetime maximum of 100 days per Covered Person.

How much does Aflac pay for confined patients?

HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT BENEFIT: When a Covered Person is confined to a Hospital for treatment of Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition, Aflac will pay $150 per day for each day a Covered Person is charged for a room as an inpatient. No lifetime maximum.

How much does AFLAC pay for blood transfusions?

e. BLOOD AND PLASMA BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $85 times the number of days paid under the Hospital Confinement Benefit when a Covered Person receives and incurs a charge for blood and/or plasma transfusions during a covered Hospital confinement. Aflac will pay $140 for each day a Covered Person receives and incurs a charge for blood and/or plasma transfusions for the treatment of Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition as an outpatient in a Surgical Center. This benefit does not pay for immunoglobulins, Immunotherapy, antihemophilia factors, or colony-stimulating factors. No lifetime maximum.

How much does Aflac pay for stem cell transplant?

c. STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $3,500 when a Covered Person receives and incurs a charge for a peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation for the treatment of Internal Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition. This benefit is payable once per Covered Person. Lifetime maximum of $3,500 per Covered Person.

How much does Aflac pay for radiation therapy?

c. RADIATION THERAPY BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $175 per day during which a Covered Person receives and incurs a charge for Radiation Therapy for the treatment of Cancer or an Associated Cancerous Condition. This benefit will not be paid for each week a radium implant or radioisotope remains in the body. This benefit is limited to one payment per Calendar Week in which the charge for the therapy is incurred. No lifetime maximum.

What is covered by Aflac?

What is covered under Aflac cancer policy? Limitations and Exclusions Aflac pays only for treatment of cancer , including direct extension, metastatic spread, or recurrence, and other diseases and conditions caused, complicated, or aggravated by or resulting from cancer or cancer treatment.

How much does Aflac pay for hospital emergency room?

HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $100 when a Covered Person receives treatment for a covered Sickness or Injury in a Hospital Emergency Room , including triage, and a charge is incurred for such treatment . This benefit is payable twice per Calendar Year, per Covered Person.

How much does Aflac pay for hospital confinement?

DAILY HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $100 per day for the Period of Hospital Confinement when a Covered Person requires Hospital Confinement for a covered Sickness or Injury and a room charge is incurred. This benefit is payable in addition to the Hospital Confinement Benefit.

How long does Aflac rider last?

Both the policy and the rider must remain in force for five consecutive years for you to be eligible for the Aflac Value Benefit. If the rider is issued after the Effective Date of the policy, the initial consecutive five-year period begins on the rider Effective Date. Post navigation.

How much does Aflac pay for lab tests?

LABORATORY TEST AND X-RAY BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $35 when a Covered Person requires, and incurs a charge for, a laboratory test or an X-ray. The laboratory test or X- ray must be performed in a Hospital, Medical Diagnostic Imaging Center, Physician’s office, an Urgent Care Center, or an Ambulatory Surgical Center.

What is personal accident insurance?

What is covered by personal accident insurance? Personal accident cover will pay out compensation to you and/or your family if you are involved in a serious accident that causes injury or even death. Typically, this type of insurance is included in car insurance and life insurance policies.

Is accident insurance cheap?

Accident insurance is relatively inexpensive, but it also offers relatively small benefits. You might benefit from an accident insurance policy if your health insurance has high deductibles, because accident insurance offers a one-time payout that can help you afford medical care.

How many cancer survivors have difficulty paying their medical bills?

One study shows that 35% of cancer survivors between the ages of 18-49 have a difficult time paying their medical bills. 3 Having cancer without health insurance can be a stressful situation, but having a primary and supplemental plan in place can help protect your savings and emotional well-being.

How much does cancer cost?

The cost of cancer can range depending on the stage and location of the disease. However, one study showed it can range from $71,300 to $239.400, depending on if the diagnosis is prostate cancer or acute myeloid leukemia. 2 Having a supplemental cancer insurance policy in place can help protect your income from the out-of-pocket expenses that may still arise with a primary insurance plan.

Does Aflac cover cancer?

Aflac’s cancer insurance can help cover a wide variety of expenses that your primary insurance plan may not completely cover. Our supplemental cancer insurance offers benefits that can help with expenses from hospitalizations, surgeries, and radiation or chemotherapy treatments. Benefits may also be available to help with expenses from hormone therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell and bone marrow transplantation, reconstructive surgery, and egg harvesting, as well as common cancer screenings such as breast cancer screenings.

Does cancer insurance cover supplemental insurance?

Our cancer insurance plans can help you cover a variety of costs associated with covered cancer treatments, that your primary insurance may not cover.

Is cancer the second largest cause of death in the United States?

While we hope you never have to receive a cancer diagnosis, they are common. According to the Center for Disease control, cancer was the second largest cause of death in the United States in 2019. 1

Does health insurance cover out of pocket expenses?

Having a standard health insurance plan may cover some of the costs, but there can still be large sums you may be expected to pay out-of-pocket. Co-pays, travel, lodgings, and home health services can add up fast.

Is supplemental cancer insurance worth it?

The cost of a supplemental cancer insurance plan may be worth it because it can save you money long-term, if you are diagnosed with a covered cancer. It can be difficult to pay for cancer treatments completely out-of-pocket.

What is Aflac Accident Insurance?

A plan like Aflac Accident Insurance pays you cash that can be used to help with the out-of-pocket expenses that may not be covered by major medical in the event of a qualifying accident. Find out how much an injury could cost you with our Benefit Estimator.

How much does Aflac pay for mammograms?

MAMMOGRAPHY AND PAP SMEAR BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $100 per calendar year when a charge is incurred for an annual screening by low-dose mammography for the presence of occult breast cancer, and Aflac will pay $30 per calendar year when a charge is incurred for a ThinPrep or an annual Pap smear.

How to make a final decision about buying cancer insurance?

The best way to make a final decision about buying cancer insurance is to talk with an insurance agent or broker that represents multiple insurers that offer cancer insurance plans. Some agents exclusively sell Aflac supplemental insurance plans, but they wonât be able to provide you with comparable and competitive plans and pricing.

What is cancer insurance?

Cancer insurance policies are a new type of health insurance coverage that acts as a supplemental safety net to help you cover the cost of hospital stays, chemotherapy and other types of cancer treatment.

How long can you pay for a health insurance plan?

Or you may pay for a plan and end up needing it within just a few years, which would make it very worth the purchase price indeed.

How easy is it to read cancer insurance?

Cancer policies are fairly easy to read, I used to sell insurance and they are one of the simplest. Open the policy and each benefit will be highlighted usually in bold and a simple description will be listed. Most cancer policies do have limits on each type of benefit. A certain dollar amount paid for transportation up to a total of XXXX dollars paid out for that benefit.

How much does lung cancer cost?

As you may already know or can imagine, the cost to treat cancer is exorbitant, and climbing. According to Aflac, the average cost of lung cancer is $156,938. This would include expenses for a biopsy and other tests, diagnosis, doctorâs and surgeonâs costs, treatment, and many other related expenses.

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