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did the dog die in cool hand luke

by Mr. Cleve Harris Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Who was the Real Cool Hand Luke?

Harry Dean Stanton said that, for him, the real Cool Hand Luke was Luke Askew, playing the warden with the sun glasses. Interesting? Jo Van Fleet, playing negligent Newman's character's mother, had also a similar role in Elia Kazan's East Of Eden.

What did Donn Pearce say about Cool Hand Luke?

Despite having a huge hand in the screenplay for Cool Hand Luke, author Donn Pearce hated the final cut of the movie. “I seem to be the only guy in the United States who doesn’t like the movie,” he said. “Everyone had a whack at it. They screwed it up ninety-nine different ways.”

Did Cool Hand Luke's West End Gamble fail?

Trueman, Matt (2011). "Cool Hand Luke's West End gamble fails as show closes early". The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on October 30, 2013.

What movie has the car wash scene from Cool Hand Luke?

In the 1993 baseball film The Sandlot, the lines of dialogue from Cool Hand Luke' s car wash scene, "She don't know what she's doing!" "She knows exactly what she's doing." are repeated verbatim.

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Does Luke die at the end of Cool Hand Luke?

Luke is shot dead by No Eyes, and looks stunned as it happens, but here is Dragline's revisionism: "He was smiling. That's right. You know, that Luke smile of his. He had it on his face right to the very end."Jul 10, 2008

What does the ending of Cool Hand Luke mean?

Luke is given an opportunity — surrender peacefully and he won't be harmed. This is a change from what The Captain told him earlier in the film, that if he escaped one more time, he'd be shot. This quasi-betrayal sets the movie on the path toward its denouement.Jul 30, 2021

Did Blue the dog die in Cool Hand Luke?

In the theatrical version, the dog also jumps off the bridge, but the leash gets caught on the bridge and the dog gets hung. Quite a shocking sight. In the videotape and other releases, the dog boss (Anthony Zerbe) claims the dog died from exhaustion, you never see the dog get hung.May 27, 2020

What dogs were in Cool Hand Luke?

The scene in which Luke was chased by bloodhounds, and other exteriors, were shot in Jacksonville, Florida, at Callahan Road Prison. Luke was played by a stuntman, using dogs from the Florida Department of Corrections.

Is Paul Newman alive?

September 26, 2008Paul Newman / Date of death

Why was Cool Hand Luke put in jail?

After being arrested for drunkenly decapitating parking meters, Luke is sentenced to two years in a Florida prison farm where he quickly develops a reputation as a man with an unbreakable will and whose spirit simply can't be broken.

How many eggs did Cool Hand Luke actually eat?

The “nobody can eat 50 eggs” bet from Cool Hand Luke In the 1967 film, Paul Newman eats 50 hard-boiled eggs in one hour, with fellow prisoners massaging his throat to get down the final few.

Is Cool Hand Luke Based on a true story?

Cool Hand Luke never nails down its setting to any place more specific than the American South, but director Stuart Rosenberg had Florida in mind for the location of his prison camp. In fact, he was inspired by a specific, very real jail in the small town of Tavares, where Donn Pearce had been imprisoned.Jan 5, 2021

Did Cool Hand Luke win any awards?

Academy Award for Best Supporting ActorCool Hand Luke / AwardsThe Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor is an award presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the film industry. Wikipedia

Did Cool Hand Luke eat 50 eggs?

Paul Newman did not eat 50 eggs According to Mental Floss, Newman did not eat 50 hard-boiled eggs while filming the scene in "Cool Hand Luke." In fact, depending on the source, Newman either ate zero or eight eggs. The actor is said to have told a reporter, "I never swallowed an egg," when quizzed about the amount.Sep 23, 2021

Where was Cool Hand Luke shot?

Filming. Filming took place on the San Joaquin River Delta. The set, imitating a southern prison farm, was built in Stockton, California. The filmmakers sent a crew to Tavares Road Prison in Tavares, Florida, where Pearce had served his time, to take photographs and measurements.

Why did Luke get put in the box?

5 Luke was a good prisoner until he was placed in the box because his mother died. He then decided to escape.

What year was Cool Hand Luke?

The award-winning, critically acclaimed (with a perfect 100% Tomatometer score at Rotten Tomatoes) 1967 film "Cool Hand Luke" has a legendary pedigree and years of acclaim behind it. The film won George Kennedy a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance as Dragline, and Paul Newman was nominated for Best Actor for his performance as Lucas "Luke" Jackson, whose rebellion against harsh life on a Florida prison chain gang soon turns into a battle for personal freedom and justice for his fellow prisoners.

What does Luke do in death?

Godfrey's mirrored sunglasses crunch symbolically under the car's tires. In death, Luke has done what he could not do in life — find freedom and beat the system.

What does Dragline refer to Luke as?

Dragline refers to Luke as a "natural born world-shaker." As he gets on with the business of mowing back hay, we pan back far enough to realize that he and the rest of the prisoners stand at a crucifix-style crossroad in another bit of Christian symbolism. He and the rest of the inmates stand at a literal crossroad — what they do next will obviously be up to them.

How many times has Luke escaped?

Luke has escaped successfully twice before. This will mark his final attempt.

Who found Luke in the movie?

It's not just Dragline who's found Luke — the authorities have finally caught up to them. He soon realizes that his friend is acting as an emissary for the authorities. Luke is given an opportunity — surrender peacefully and he won't be harmed. This is a change from what The Captain told him earlier in the film, that if he escaped one more time, he'd be shot.

Did Godfrey shoot Luke?

As the camera pans back, we are able to note that there's a new line boss, and the implication is that Godfrey's decision to shoot Luke to death while he was unarmed, no matter how sarcastic his approach to the situation was, likely resulted in Godfrey, aka The Man With No Eyes' dismissal from his job. Luke has managed to change the established order of the prison's social caste, even though he had to die to do it.

What is the movie Cool Hand Luke based on?

The novel is loosely based on experiences that Pearce went through during his own time in a Florida Department of Corrections chain gang and stories that he heard about a man named Luke Jackson.

Who carries Luke outside?

Dragline carries Luke outside and surrenders, but charges at Boss Godfrey and strangles him until he is beaten and subdued by the other guards. While Luke is loaded into the Captain's car, Dragline tearfully implores him to live. After Luke's implied death, Dragline and the other prisoners fondly reminisce about him.

What happened at the end of Cool Hand Luke?

During the pre-production phase, a number of changes were naturally made to the script. However, the change that stood out the most at the very end of the movie. Originally, Cool Hand Luke was supposed to end on a somber note with Luke’s death. Although this still happened, the last shot of the movie sees a crossroads in the countryside with a photo of Luke and two female friends superimposed over the cross. Stuart Rosenberg chose this as he wanted to have Newman smiling when all was said and done.

Who hated the final cut of Cool Hand Luke?

Despite having a huge hand in the screenplay for Cool Hand Luke, author Donn Pearce hated the final cut of the movie. “I seem to be the only guy in the United States who doesn’t like the movie,” he said. “Everyone had a whack at it. They screwed it up ninety-nine different ways.” Even though Paul Newman received much acclaim (including a nomination for Best Actor) for his role, Pearce didn’t like his performance. “ [He] was so cute looking…too scrawny,” he said.

What is the line in Cool Hand Luke?

There are some truly great lines in cinema. “I am your father,” “It’s alive,” and “E.T. phone home” are some that come to mind. However, Cool Hand Luke had a line that is considered to be right up there with the very best: “What we’ve got here is…failure to communicate.” In fact, the line got writer Frank R. Pierson wondering about the entire backstory of the character who said it; Captain, played by Strother Martin. He gave him a background in education.

How long did it take to shoot Cool Hand Luke?

Despite the end result looking great on screen, it took the actors and crew three long grueling days to shoot the fight perfectly.

How much did Cool Hand Luke make?

At the time, a $3.2 million budget was relatively normal for a Hollywood movie. However, Cool Hand Luke ended up making $16.2 million at the box office, which was a pretty good return during that time, especially since it was before the advent of “the blockbuster.” Amazingly, the proceeds of the premiere, which took place at Loew’s State Theatre in New York City, went to charity. The movie first opened on November 1, 1967, and despite being more successful critically, it still did pretty well commercially.

What was the director's intention for Cool Hand Luke?

The director wanted the cast to do actual hard manual labor to make the experience feel as real as possible.

How much did George Kennedy use to get the Academy Award?

In fact, he used $5000 to set up a campaign for an Academy Award nomination, called “George Kennedy-Supporting.”. The ad had a photo from Cool Hand Luke of his character carrying Paul Newman. Despite the campaign, Kennedy still got the surprise of his life when he took home Best Supporting Actor.

What is the movie Cool Hand Luke about?

Cool Hand Luke is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg, starring Paul Newman and featuring George Kennedy in an Oscar-winning performance. Newman stars in the title role as Luke, a prisoner in a Florida prison camp who refuses to submit to the system. Set in the early 1950s, it is based on Donn Pearce 's 1965 Cool Hand Luke .

Who wrote the book Cool Hand Luke?

Pearce, a merchant seaman who later became a counterfeiter and safe cracker, wrote the novel Cool Hand Luke about his experiences working on a chain gang while serving in a Florida prison. He sold the story to Warner Bros. for $80,000 and received another $15,000 to write the screenplay.

What happened to Luke after Godfrey shot a turtle?

After Godfrey shoots a snapping turtle, Luke retrieves it from a slough for him , complimenting him on his shot. Luke is ordered to take the turtle to the truck but steals the truck and the other trucks' keys. In the excitement of the moment, Dragline jumps in the truck and joins Luke in his escape.

What does Dragline say about Luke?

He later wins a poker game by bluffing with a hand worth nothing. Luke says, "sometimes, nothing can be a real cool hand", prompting Dragline to nickname him "Cool Hand Luke".

How does Luke escape?

A short time later, Luke escapes again by deceiving the guards while taking a break to urinate and removes his shackles with an axe at a nearby house. He spreads curry powder and chili powder across the ground to keep the guard dogs from following his scent, causing them to sneeze. While free, Luke mails Dragline a magazine that includes a photograph of himself with two beautiful women. He is soon recaptured, beaten, returned to the prison camp, and fitted with two sets of leg irons. The Captain warns Luke that he will be killed on the spot if he ever attempts to escape again.

What does Luke sing about his mother's death?

After learning of his mother's death, Luke sings " Plastic Jesus ". Greg Garrett also compares Luke to Jesus, in that like Jesus, he was not physically threatening to society because of his actions, and like Jesus' crucifixion, his punishment was "out of all proportion".

What is the theme of the movie Luke?

The film contains several elements based on Christian themes, including the concept of Luke as a saint who wins over the crowds and is ultimately sacrificed . Luke is portrayed as a "Jesus-like redeemer figure". After winning the egg-eating bet, he lies exhausted on the table in the position of Jesus as depicted in his crucifixion, hands outstretched, feet folded over each other. After learning of his mother's death, Luke sings " Plastic Jesus ". Greg Garrett also compares Luke to Jesus, in that like Jesus, he was not physically threatening to society because of his actions, and like Jesus' crucifixion, his punishment was "out of all proportion".

What happens when Luke escapes for the first time?

Trivia: When Luke escapes for the first time, he is being chased by a loose dog dragging a leash. Luke jumps over all kinds of obstacles to make it tougher for the dog chasing him. Finally, Luke dives off a bridge into a stream.

What is the continuity mistake in Luke?

Continuity mistake: On the same day that Luke got thumped to the ground by Dragline, his injuries cleared up in time for the classic card game. During the fight, the dirt marks on Luke's back constantly change. Continuity mistake: Luke uses an axe to break his leg irons on a wood stump.

Where does Coco tear up Luke's photo?

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Coco tears up the photo of Luke with the women, he tears it carelessly, starting with the upper left corner. The end shot of the movie shows the same photo, reassembled, showing a neat, cross-wise tear, with the center of the tear directly over Luke's heart.

What is Lucille listening to?

Factual error: "Lucille" is listening to a transistor radio when she washes the car - clear from the size and because the music starts as soon as she turns it on. The first transistor radio wasn't available until 1954, and this movie is set in the very early 50s. Share.



Cool Hand Luke is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg, starring Paul Newman and featuring George Kennedy in an Oscar-winning performance. Newman stars in the title role as Luke, a prisoner in a Florida prison camp who refuses to submit to the system. Set in the early 1950s, it is based on Donn Pearce's 1965 novel Cool Hand Luke.
Roger Ebert called Cool Hand Luke an anti-establishment film shot during emerging popular opp…


In early 1950s Florida, decorated World War II veteran Lucas "Luke" Jackson is arrested for cutting parking meters off their poles one drunken night. He is sentenced to two years on a chain gang in a prison camp run by a stern warden known as the Captain, along with Walking Boss Godfrey, a taciturn rifleman nicknamed "the man with no eyes" because he always wears mirrored sunglas…


• Paul Newman as Lucas "Luke" Jackson
• George Kennedy as Clarence "Dragline" Slidell
• Strother Martin as The Captain
• Jo Van Fleet as Arletta Jackson


Pearce, a merchant seaman who later became a counterfeiter and safe cracker, wrote the novel Cool Hand Luke about his experiences working on a chain gang while serving in a Florida prison. He sold the story to Warner Bros. for $80,000 and received another $15,000 to write the screenplay. After working in television for over a decade, Rosenberg chose it to make it his directorial debut in cinema. He took the idea to Jalem Productions, owned by Jack Lemmon. Sin…


Pierson included in his draft explicit religious symbolism. The film contains several elements based on Christian themes, including the concept of Luke as a saint who wins over the crowds and is ultimately sacrificed. Luke is portrayed as a "Jesus-like redeemer figure". After winning the egg-eating bet, he lies exhausted on the table in the position of Jesus as depicted in his crucifixion, h…

Release and reception

Cool Hand Luke opened on October 31, 1967, at Loew's State Theatre in New York City. The proceeds of the premiere went to charities. The film was a box-office success, grossing $16,217,773 in domestic screenings.
Variety called Newman's performance "excellent" and the supporting cast "versatile and competent." The New York Times praised the film, remarking Pea…

See also

• List of American films of 1967
• List of films with a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes
• Prisoner abuse
• Gospel of Luke

External links

• Cool Hand Luke at the American Film Institute Catalog
• Cool Hand Luke at IMDb
• Cool Hand Luke at the TCM Movie Database
• Cool Hand Luke at AllMovie

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