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dante's inferno summary litcharts

by Geo Rutherford Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is Dante's Inferno about summary?

The Inferno is about the poet's journey into Hell. Guided by the poet Virgil, Dante descends through the Nine Circles of Hell, eventually arriving at the center where Satan himself resides. After escaping Hell, Dante and Virgil will go on to Purgatory and then Dante will go on to Heaven.

Why does Virgil cover Dante's eyes?

Virgil tells Dante to cover his eyes, because if he is turned to stone by Medusa he will be trapped in hell forever. Virgil's words again fail to have their usual effect on Dante here.

What is the theme of Dante's Inferno Canto 1?

The Perfection of God's Justice Dante creates an imaginative correspondence between a soul's sin on Earth and the punishment he or she receives in Hell.

What do the leopard lion and she wolf represent?

While he seeks a way out of the forest, he meets three beasts: a leopard, a lion, and a wolf. They force Dante back into the dark forest. The three beasts are allegories of three different sins: the leopard represents lust, the lion pride, and the wolf represents avarice.

Who was the angel in Dante's Inferno?

Gabriel is a character in Dante's Inferno. Gabriel was an angel under God and was also the brother of Lucifer and his other brethren in Heaven. He appeared to Dante Alighieri at the end of Fraud where he took Beatrice and ascended with her to Paradise after she was absolved.

What was Dante's request to Virgil?

Virgil explains that he wants to take Dante through Hell in order to teach him valuable lessons. Dante's late love, Beatrice, descended from Heaven to ask Virgil to take on this job.

What are 3 themes seen in Dante's Inferno?

Sin, Justice, Pity and Piety As it narrates a journey through hell, Dante's Inferno is essentially a tour of all kinds of different punishments for different sins.

What is the main point of Dante's Inferno?

The Divine Comedy is the allegorical record of Dante's quest to overcome sin and find God's love; in Inferno, Dante explores the nature of sin by traveling through Hell, where evil receives punishment according to God's justice.

What is the main message of Dante's Inferno?

The main themes in Dante's Inferno are morality and divine justice, the soul's journey, and the poet's vocation. Morality and divine justice: The correspondence between the sinners' actions and their punishments in hell indicates Dante's belief in the fairness of divine authority.

What are the 3 beasts that keep Dante from reaching the light?

In this reading, the beasts are usually assigned so that the leopard is fraud, the lion is violence, and the she-wolf is incontinence.

What is the little hill represent?

Explanation of allegory : The little hill with the sun coming up behind it represents an easy way out, the animals that keep Dante from climbing the hill represent three general types of sin or degrees of sin.

What does the dark woods symbolize in Dante's Inferno?

The dark woods symbolize sinful life on Earth, and the “right road” refers to the virtuous life that leads to God. Read an in-depth analysis of the opening lines of the poem.

What was the historical context of the Inferno?

Historical Context of Inferno. In Dante's lifetime, Italy was not yet a unified nation, but rather an assortment of independent, feuding cities. Dante's native city, Florence, was the site of much social strife and political turmoil, especially between two groups: the Guelphs and the Ghibellines.

How Divine is Dante's masterpiece?

How Divine. Dante originally titled his epic masterpiece simply La Commedia (the comedy), meaning that, as opposed to a tragedy, it had a happy ending. However, the Italian poet Boccaccio admired it so much that he suggested adding the word divina to the title, giving the work the name it has been commonly known by now for centuries: The Divine Comedy.

What is the climax of the Inferno?

Climax: While The Inferno is only the first third of Dante's Divine Comedy, one may locate a climax in Canto 34, when Dante sees Lucifer, the epitome of sin and evil, at the very core of hell, the final sinner he sees on his journey through hell.

What is Dante's style?

Together with other educated men of Florence (including Brunetto Latini, who appears in The Inferno ), Dante pioneered a literary movement based around the style known as dolce stil nuovo ("sweet new style").

What factions did the Guelphs split into?

After the Guelph's had taken power, though, they soon split into factions: the Black Guelphs, who wanted to work with Pope Boniface VIII (whom Dante despised) to maintain power, and the White Guelphs, who preferred Florentine independence from Papal influence.

Who is the father of Italian language?

Born around 1265 in the city of Florence, Dante Alighieri is now widely recognized as the greatest poet of Italian literature and, for his work in standardizing an Italian dialect, is often called the father of the Italian language. Dante grew up in Florence during a time of political unrest, with constant feuds between opposing political factions. It is unclear how wealthy his family was, but he was neither poor nor exceedingly noble. He had an arranged marriage with a woman of a noble background, Gemma di Manetto Donati, but he fell in love with a woman named Beatrice, who appears repeatedly in his poetry. Together with other educated men of Florence (including Brunetto Latini, who appears in The Inferno ), Dante pioneered a literary movement based around the style known as dolce stil nuovo ("sweet new style"). As a result of backing a losing political faction, Dante was exiled from Florence for life and it is during this exile that he wrote The Divine Comedy. He is also known for writing La Vita Nuova, a work celebrating his love for Beatrice, and composed other minor works. Shortly after finishing The Divine Comedy, Dante died, still in exile from Florence, and was buried in the town of Ravenna.

Where is Dante buried?

Shortly after finishing The Divine Comedy, Dante died, still in exile from Florence, and was buried in the town of Ravenna. Get the entire Inferno LitChart as a printable PDF.

What are the three groups Dante visited in The Inferno?

The souls there fall into three worsening groups: the incontinent, or people who had a disordered relationship to earthly goods like sex, food, and money; the violent; and worst of all, the fraudulent. Over the course of The Inferno, Dante visits every circle of Hell and meets sinners undergoing ironic punishments.

What is the plot of Dante Alighieri?

Plot Summary. Midway through life, the Italian poet Dante Alighieri finds himself lost and terrified in a dark wood. He desperately wishes to ascend a beautiful mountain, but is blocked by three threatening wild beasts. He is about to give up hope when he encounters a ghost: the spirit of his great poetic hero Virgil.

What does Virgil protect Dante?

As Dante and Virgil travel, Virgil protects and parents Dante at the same time as he reveals his own weaknesses. Virgil himself is damned, though his soul resides in the tolerable Limbo—a campus-like underworld where pagan philosophers and poets wander around chatting.

What is Dante Alighieri's spirit?

He is about to give up hope when he encounters a ghost: the spirit of his great poetic hero Virgil. Dante’s dead beloved Beatrice has sent Virgil to rescue Dante, but they will not be able to get past the beasts and climb the mountain directly. Instead, they will have to make a long pilgrimage through Hell itself.

What did Dante discover about Hell?

Dante discovers that Hell is as old as the world itself, a piece of the cosmic pattern: It is populated with figures from classical mythology, its landscape was rattled by earthquakes after the Crucifixion, and Virgil reports having seen Christ descend into Limbo to rescue Old Testament patriarchs and matriarchs.

What is the Inferno?

The Inferno is the first book of Dante Alighieri’s great medieval epic, The Divine Comedy: a monument of world literature. Written between 1308 and 1320, the three-part poem charts Dante’s transformative journey through Hell and Purgatory to Heaven itself. The poem’s form— terza rima, an endlessly circling pattern of interweaving triple rhymes—reflects its major theme: the wisdom, power, and love of the trinitarian Christian God. Like every book of the Comedy, Inferno ends with the word “stars.”

Why does Dante faint in the circle of lust?

Dante is chastened to recognize many of these mistaken desires in himself. In the circle of Lust, he even faints from pity and terror at the story of Francesca, who made the error of misreading her sordid, adulterous love affair as a grand romance.

What year is Inferno?

Inferno. Inferno opens on the evening of Good Friday in the year 1300 . Traveling through a dark wood, Dante Alighieri has lost his path and now wanders fearfully through the forest. The sun shines down on a mountain above him, and he attempts to climb up to it but finds his way blocked by three beasts—a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf.

What is the second circle in Dante?

Dante continues into the Second Circle of Hell, reserved for the sin of Lust. At the border of the Second Circle, the monster Minos lurks, assigning condemned souls to their punishments. He curls his tail around himself a certain number of times, indicating the number of the circle to which the soul must go.

What is the fourth pouch in Dante's book?

In the Fourth Pouch are the Astrologists or Diviners, forced to walk with their heads on backward, a sight that moves Dante to great pity. In the Fifth Pouch, the Barrators (those who accepted bribes) steep in pitch while demons tear them apart.

What is the name of the monster that transports Dante and Virgil to the Eighth Circle of Hell

The monster Geryon transports Virgil and Dante across a great abyss to the Eighth Circle of Hell, known as Malebolge, or “evil pockets” (or “pouches”); the term refers to the circle’s division into various pockets separated by great folds of earth.

What river did Dante go to?

Dante witnesses their suffering with repugnance and pity. The ferryman Charon then takes him and his guide across the river Acheron, the real border of Hell. The First Circle of Hell, Limbo, houses pagans, including Virgil and many of the other great writers and poets of antiquity, who died without knowing of Christ.

What is the fifth circle of hell?

The Fifth Circle of Hell contains the river Styx, a swampy, fetid cesspool in which the Wrathful spend eternity struggling with one another; the Sullen lie bound beneath the Styx’s waters, choking on the mud.

Who did Dante meet in the 7th circle?

Going deeper into the Seventh Circle of Hell, the travelers find those who were violent toward God (the Blasphemers); Dante meets his old patron, Brunetto Latini, walking among the souls of those who were violent toward Nature (the Sodomites) on a desert of burning sand.

What does Dante learn about being cut off from God?

Down in the pit of Hell, Dante learns the causes and consequences of being cut off eternally from God’s love.

What is the name of the comedy where Dante is held at the furthest point from God?

Divine Comedy Summary 1: Inferno. Virgil leads Dante through the nine circles of Hell, descending to the centre of the earth where Satan is held at the furthest point from God. All the damned have physical bodies, so they can feel pain, but their bodies heal so that they can never be permanently destroyed.

What do Dante and Virgil see in the border of Hell?

As they approach the border of Hell, Virgil and Dante see the swarm of Neutrals: people who lived empty , pointless lives – scarcely living at all, just existing. They did nothing truly good or bad, following the herd unthinkingly, so they do not deserve a place in either Heaven or Hell.

Why was Virgil sent to Dante?

Virgil has been sent by Beatrice in order to lead Dante to her, but Dante is not ready to appear in her presence and must first travel a hard road. Virgil, with the combination of symbolism and realism that underlies the whole poem, is simultaneously himself – Dante’s hero and model – and the embodiment of Reason.

Why did Dante get to the Afterlife?

The poem is a fictional memoir, in which Dante tells the story of the time he was granted access to the three realms of the Afterlife – Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. Dante got this special treatment – this unique chance to visit the Afterlife while still alive – because of the intercession of an angel called Beatrice. Beatrice had once been a girl whom Dante had loved before she died young; when Dante wandered further and further away from God’s love, Beatrice had begged the Almighty for the chance to show Dante the error of his ways. Heaven granted this request because not just Dante but the whole of Italy was ruining itself and turning away from God – so if Dante went on this special journey, he would be able to write about what he saw and use his poetry to guide people back to the true Christian path.

Why did Virgil carry Nicholas down to the rock?

Virgil carries him down to the rock so as to protect him from the flames, and it turns out to be Pope Nicholas III (died 1280). Nicholas is waiting for his successor, Boniface, to come and join him as a fellow Simonist. Realising that he is speaking to the late Pope, Dante roundly abuses him for selling out the Church.

Where are Dante and Virgil?

Virgil and Dante make their way down the cliffside, past the Minotaur, towards the Seventh Circle. The slope is scarred by a great landslide, from the convulsion of the Earth at the Crucifixion. The first part of the Seventh Circle is a boiling red river, in which tyrants and plunderers are suffering. The riverbank is guarded by centaurs, who fire arrows at any souls who venture towards the shore. Alone among the denizens of Hell, the centaurs are noble and dignified, and one of them carries Dante and Virgil on his back across the red river.

What are the elements of Dante's Inferno?

Dante’s Inferno Literary Elements. Major Thematic Elements: The perfection of God’s justice; evil juxtaposed to God’s grace; storytelling as a vehicle for immortality. Motifs: Political arguments; allusions to classical literature; cities; fame and prestige in human life.

What does Dante feel about Hell?

Dante feels great feelings of pity and is overwhelmed at first, however he seems to come to a deeper understanding of Hell and how it functions as a spiritual realm, so by the end he possesses a certain acceptance and wisdom about Hell and its purpose.

Why are Dante and Virgil in this circle together?

They are in this Circle together because of their imprudence with Fortune. At the end of Canto VII, Dante and Virgil descend to the Fifth Circle of Hell and see the River Styx. Covered in mud, these souls residing here fight and bite one another relentlessly. These are the souls of the wrathful.

Why does Virgil cover Dante's eyes?

Virgil covers Dante’s eyes in time to prevent this . An angelic messenger arrives to force open the gates and allow Dante entry to the Sixth Circle of Hell, home of the heretics. Here, as Canto X begins, Dante encounters a political rival, Farinata.

Where do Dante and Virgil meet Minos?

In Canto V , Virgil and Dante descend to the Second Circle of Hell where they meet the monster Minos. His job is to assign punishments to the condemned souls who enter. The Second Circle of Hell is where the lustful wind up. Overcome with pity, Dante faints for the second time since he’s arrived in Hell.

What is the conflict in Dante's poem?

Conflict: Dante attempts to find his way to God, to Heaven, to Beatrice, but obstacles in Hell hinder his journey. Plot: The story is told in Cantos—sections of the poem. Mostly, the Cantos align with where the characters are in their journey through Hell. Major Symbols: The entire poem is allegorical, so every aspect serves as a symbol.

What is the first poem in the Divine Comedy?

Inferno is the first poem in a three-part series called The Divine Comedy. Inferno is an allegorical journey through Hell. In part, Inferno is a political allegory, and in part it is a religious allegory. It is also a story following the classic elements of a comedy—it starts in the depths of Hell but ends with the joys of Heaven.

What is Dante's Inferno?

Dante's Inferno serves as a symbolic allegory of Dante acknowledging his own sin. Through engaging in cruelty towards fellow sinners, including those who have personally harmed him, and through being scolded for compassion for sinners, even for his own relatives, Dante grows to understand the foibles of human nature. Compassion does not coexist with judgement in Hell, and it is Dante's compassion and bond with Virgil that enables him to escape Hell and, after facing his sin, climb towards Heaven, where condemnation is left behind. It is possible, also, to read this as Dante working through his feelings regarding his unjust exile from Florence, perhaps even seeing himself in his enemies.

What is Dante's main character?

Dante writes himself as the main character. As Dante descends into hell, he at first experiences a bliss born out of ignorance: he's welcomed among five great classical poets, and considered their equal; however, he almost forgets where he is (hell). Once he leaves the first circle of hell, however, Dante begins to be disturbed by the suffering of those condemned for lust, and faints. The deeper they descend into hell, the more Dante starts to act in ways similar to those condemned: he tells them off, kicks their heads, and experiences satisfaction at seeing his own political enemies suffering.

Where was Dante Alighieri born?

Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, Italy, in 1265. At that time Italy was divided into city states, and Florence itself was routinely divided between political factions. Dante himself fought in a battle against political enemies in 1289. Dante chose the side of the White Guelphs and was elected to the city's Council of Priors in 1300; his victory was short-lived. Upon the city ceding power to the Black Guelphs, Dante was exiled from Florence in 1302 under threat of execution. He never returned, dying in exile. Dante's fictional journey in The Divine Comedy can be read with parallels to his real-life exilic journey.

How old is Dante in Inferno?

Inferno. Thirty-five years old at the beginning of the story, Dante—the character as opposed to the poet—has lost his way on the “true path” of life; in other words, sin has obstructed his path to God. The Divine Comedy is the allegorical record of Dante’s quest to overcome sin and find God’s love; in Inferno, Dante explores the nature ...

What is Dante's story about?

Allegorically, Dante’s story represents not only his own life but also what Dante the poet perceived to be the universal Christian quest for God. As a result, Dante the character is rooted in the Everyman allegorical tradition: Dante’s situation is meant to represent that of the whole human race.

What is the Divine Comedy?

The Divine Comedy is the allegorical record of Dante’s quest to overcome sin and find God’s love; in Inferno, Dante explores the nature of sin by traveling through Hell, where evil receives punishment according to God’s justice.

Does Dante have a sin?

For this reason, Dante the character does not emerge as a particularly well-defined individual; although we know that he has committed a never-specified sin and that he participates in Florentine politics, we learn little about his life on Earth.

What does Dante remember about Ciacco?

Dante remembers him with pleasure. After all, Ciacco was a jovial and gracious host in life and was the typical "life of the party.". Dante can only listen sympathetically to his condition. He feels so apologetic for not recognizing Ciacco that he fabricates an excuse so as not to hurt his feelings.

What does Dante promise Brunetto Latini?

He promises Brunetto Latini that his writings will be kept alive for all people to read and know.

Does Dante weep for sinners?

He departs from this wonderful teacher with tears in his eyes — it is one of the last times that Dante will weep for a sinner. Dante, however, is not a one-sided person. He also has the power to respond to certain vicious sinners in a manner befitting their sins.

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