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can you do paper mache with clear glue

by Timmothy Bernhard Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Paper mache adhesive can be purchased pre-made, but you can make your own clear paper mache adhesive using common household items at little cost to you. Video of the Day Step 1 Pour water into a medium-sized saucepan and heat it on low. Step 2 Add glue to the water in the saucepan.

Clear Glue Mixture
Mix 3 parts clear school glue with 1 part water. If you have a 4 fl. oz bottle (147 ml) of clear school glue, you will need to mix in 3 tbsp. (45 ml) of water.

Full Answer

What materials do you need to make paper mache?

What is the main material for paper mache vase?

  • One large balloon.
  • White glue (poured into a bowl or onto a plate)
  • One toilet paper tube (cut in half)
  • Newspaper.
  • White tissue paper.
  • One large paintbrush.
  • Acrylic paint (in the colors of your choice)
  • Some embellishments, such as decorative rope, ribbon, or beads.

How do you make strong paper mache?

Super-Strong Paper Mache that Dries Really Fast

  • Mix a small amount of water with the glue.. You only need enough water to make the glue thin enough to brush. ...
  • Brush on the glue…. OK, I admit that I gave up on the brush after I’d been working for about an hour, but the brush will help you apply only ...
  • Let the paper mache dry overnight…. ...
  • It’s ready to paint after drying overnight …. ...

How much water do you use to make paper mache?

  • OPTION 1: 3/4 white glue to 1/4 water (or if using a good, thick glue, like elmers you can do 1/2 and 1/2)
  • OPTION 2: COOK METHOD: 1 part flour to 5 parts water boil about 3 minutes and let cool (my favorite!
  • OPTION 3: 1 part flour to 1 part water. Stir together.

What do I use to make paper mache?

The amounts I used for this small batch of No-Flour Paper Mache Clay:

  • 1 cup shredded damp paper.
  • 2/3 cup of drywall joint compound.
  • 1/2 cup of PVA Glue (Elmer's Glue-All or Clear)
  • (Optional) 1 tablespoon baby oil/mineral oil or linseed oil. If you don't have any, just leave it out. It won't hurt anything.

Can you use Elmer's clear glue for paper mache?

If you need a paste that dries perfectly clear, you can use Elmer's Glue-All (or any white PVA glue) mixed with just enough water to make the glue thinner and easier to spread. I don't personally like using glue with my paper mache sculptures because I don't like the way it feels when it dries on my hands.

What glue can you use for paper mache?

One of the most common, and easiest, ways to create paper mache is to use glue and water as the paste. A few different types of glue will work, but most people use wood glue or white Glue-All. Using glue is very similar to using flour, but it creates a stronger structure that is less likely to rot.

Can you use Clear PVA glue paper mache?

Glue and Water Paper Mâché Recipe PVA glue, also known as basic white school glue, works wonderfully in a paper mâché project. It dries pretty quickly and is clear when dry. The PVA glue needs to be thinned enough to become runny.

How do you make paper mache with only glue?

Mix 1 cup of glue with 3/4 cup water. Stir with a craft stick. You're done! Really, it is THIS easy to make a strong and relatively mess-free paper mache paste!

How do you make paper mache clear?

Mix 3 parts clear school glue with 1 part water. If you have a 4 fl. oz bottle (147 ml) of clear school glue, you will need to mix in 3 tbsp. (45 ml) of water.

Why is my paper mache not hard?

If you feel any 'give' to the paper mache layers, that indicates that water is still trapped inside, even if the top layer of paper mache feels dry. If it's at all soft, let it dry for a few more days.

Can Mod Podge be used for paper mache?

Well, the nice thing about using Mod Podge to make paper mache is that you can use it directly from the bottle. There's no mixing. The Podge can also be used to seal the paint on the newspaper (if you choose to paint).

How do you make strong paper mache?

0:052:28Paper Mache Paste Recipe - Cheap, Easy and Strong! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDoesn't matter you can use bread flour if you want to just don't use whole wheat flour. And then youMoreDoesn't matter you can use bread flour if you want to just don't use whole wheat flour. And then you pour in some hot water from the tap.

Does flour and water make paper mache?

Mix one part flour with one part of water (eg, 1 cup flour and 1 cup water, or 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water) until you get a thick glue-like consistency. Add a bit more water if it's too thick.

What can I use instead of newspaper for paper mache?

Newspaper, newsprint or blue shop towels. Floral tissue paper, kite paper or rice paper. Crepe paper. Cheap toilet paper.

How do you make paper mache without glue?

0:002:44How to make Paper Mache Paste without glue - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo normal bread for you know baking flour 1 cup of flour. - let's see if I can do it one-handed. 2MoreSo normal bread for you know baking flour 1 cup of flour. - let's see if I can do it one-handed. 2 cups of water. Oh. That was just right.

How do I make paper mache paste?

To make this paper mache paste, you need 1 part flour to 5 parts water. Start out by putting 4 parts water into a pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. While you are waiting for it to boil, mix 1 part flour to 1 part warm water. Beat this mixture briskly to remove lumps.


Paper mache is making sculptures, masks, and other decorative items from paper and a mixture of glue and water. People use this as a way to recycle old newspapers and magazines into new, colorful creations. You can make your own paper mache paste with a few basic ingredients.

How to Do Paper Mache With Glue

Heat the glue in a microwave for 5 minutes or until it’s hot enough to melt. You can also boil it on a stovetop. Once it’s heated up, add about 2 tablespoons of water. Stir until the glue is dissolved completely. Add more water if you would like a thinner paint/water mixture.

Precautions While Making Paper Mache With Glue

1. Make sure you wear old clothes or an apron; remember working with messy stuff. If you do spill, wipe it up right away before it dries.

Which Glue is Best for Making Paper Mache?

Many adhesives can be used for paper mache. Titebond, Elmer’s White Glue, and rubber cement have all been used successfully by Do-It-Yourselfers to create three-dimensional art projects using a craft paper such as butcher or kraft paper.

Uses of Paper Mache

Paper mache has been used for centuries to make bowls, musical instruments, ornaments, lampshades, and toys.


I hope you have enjoyed this stepwise guide on how to do paper mache with glue. It should be a lot of fun because, as always, whatever you create is yours to keep and display proudly. So ensure all the steps are properly and following the safety precautions.

Step 2

Add glue to the water in the saucepan. Using a spatula, stir the mixture thoroughly.

Step 4

Cool the mixture until it is lukewarm, pouring it into a container with a tight-seal lid until you are ready to use the glue.

What Is a Paper Mache?

Paper Mache is a sculpting technique that involves using absorbent paper that is torn into strips and mixed with a paste to form a certain shape. Its proper name is ‘Papier–Mâché’ which literally means chewed paper.

What Kind of Glue Is Best to Make Paper Mache Paste?

The kind of glue that’s best to make paper mache paste is white glue which is also known as PVA glue.

Related Questions

Most kinds of PVA-based glues are not completely waterproof. Although some of them are marketed as waterproof, they can still be affected by humidity. They might have enough water resistance in case of light contact with water but if they’re completely submerged, they will become diluted which means they will be less sticky.

Can You Make Paper Mache Waterproof?

You Can Paper Mache Waterproof by applying a layer of sealing varnish on your finished project. You can use epoxy or mod podge as a sealer, however, keep in mind that it will only be resistant to small amounts of water. If large amounts of water get into the project, it will cause it to get soft and might end up deforming it completely.

How to make paper mache paste?

Glue-Based Paper Mache Paste Recipe. Mix equal parts white glue and water in a disposable container, such as a plastic take-out soup container. Stir thoroughly to mix the ingredients well. If you want to save some of the paper mache paste for later in the day, select a container with a lid.

How to remove glue from paper?

Papering Your Project. Dip a strip of paper into the paste container, or pour some of the paste into a shallow tray if you prefer wider access to the paste. Pull the paper out, and then run it between your fingers to remove excess paste. Wear rubber gloves if you don't want the glue on your hands.

How long should a balloon be for a paper mache form?

The length depends upon the size of your form -- several inches long works well for the average balloon. As for project forms, a balloon is ideal, because it can be popped after the paper mache dries. Set a balloon on a bowl or roll of masking tape to keep it in place.

What supplies do you need for paper mache?

Paper is the other key supply needed for paper mache, along with the paste. Newspaper, old phone book pages, flyers and junk mail all work well because the paper is thin enough to conform to your project's shape, but not so thin that it tears easily.

How thick is tissue paper for balloons?

Tear the paper into strips 1/2 to 1 inch thick. The length depends upon the size of your form -- several inches long works well for the average balloon.

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