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best treatment for meralgia paresthetica

by Alvina Schuppe Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago


MP may go away without treatment after a few weeks or months. If symptoms continue, you may need any of the following: Medicines may be given to relieve pain or decrease inflammation. Surgery may be needed if your symptoms are severe and other treatments do not work. The nerve may be removed or the tissue around it cut to relieve pressure.


You are also more likely to develop meralgia paresthetica if you:

  • Wear tight clothing, girdles, or tight stockings or wear a heavy utility belt (like a tool belt or police gun belt)
  • Have legs of two different lengths
  • Live with medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or alcoholism


Meralgia paraesthetica appears to respond rapidly to electroacupuncture. A significant trigger point at GB31 was universally present, which may aid diagnosis, although the reason for this is unclear. Further controlled studies are justified. Meralgia paraesthetica appears to respond rapidly to electroacupuncture.


Suspended row

  • Hold the two handles of a suspension band and stand facing the band’s anchor point.
  • Keep the body straight and make a row movement with the upper body, opening up the elbows in a row motion.
  • Start with keeping your elbows in a low row at about a 45 degree angle. ...

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Can acupuncture work for meralgia paresthesia?

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How do you get rid of meralgia paresthetica?

MedicationsCorticosteroid injections. Injections can reduce inflammation and temporarily relieve pain. ... Tricyclic antidepressants. These medications might relieve your pain. ... Gabapentin (Gralise, Neurontin), phenytoin (Dilantin) or pregabalin (Lyrica).01-Mar-2022

Does meralgia paresthetica go away?

Typically, meralgia paresthetica goes away in a few months on its own or with conservative treatment, like wearing loose-fitting clothing or losing weight. Pregnant women with the condition usually experience relief after giving birth. More severe cases may require medications or surgery.

Can meralgia paresthetica be permanent?

Left untreated, however, meralgia paresthetica may lead to serious pain or paralysis. Seek prompt medical care for persistent systems of meralgia paresthetica, such as numbness, tingling, or mild pain, as continued compression of the nerve may lead to permanent damage and paralysis.

What kind of doctor treats meralgia paresthetica?

For the accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan for meralgia paresthetica, it is important to meet with a specialist that is specifically trained in peripheral nerve conditions. Our specialists at Advanced Neurosurgery Associates provide treatment of meralgia paresthetica.

Does walking help meralgia paresthetica?

Exercising for 30 minutes a day at least three or four times a week should help ease meralgia paresthetica pain. Some exercises to try include: brisk walking.22-Dec-2020

How do you release the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?

Procedure for Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Decompression An incision is made in a lateral fashion on the affected side using loupe magnification (a device used to see small details more closely). The underlying muscles are carefully separated to expose the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve in the upper thigh area.

How did I get meralgia paresthetica?

It's caused by compression of the nerve that provides sensation to the skin covering your thigh. Tight clothing, obesity or weight gain, and pregnancy are common causes of meralgia paresthetica. However, meralgia paresthetica can also be due to local trauma or a disease, such as diabetes.

Can sitting cause meralgia paresthetica?

Symptoms may worsen with sitting, standing, or walking for long periods of time. What Causes this Condition? such as a tight leather belt or even your favorite skinny jeans can lead to meralgia paresthetica.

Can a chiropractor help with meralgia paresthetica?

Additionally, seeking the care of a chiropractic neurologist can also help relieve the tingling linked to meralgia paresthetica. An experienced chiropractic neurologist may suggest a variety of treatment options, which may include a light tissue massage, changes in diet, and various stretching exercises.05-Oct-2018

Does meralgia paresthetica require surgery?

Background: Meralgia paresthetica is an entrapment neuropathy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that may cause paresthesias, pain, and sensory loss of the anterior and lateral thigh. Treatment is primarily medical. Surgery is an option for patients who do not respond to medical treatments.19-Nov-2018

Is heat or ice better for meralgia paresthetica?

Heat therapy to relax muscles and ice therapy to reduce pain and swelling may be recommended as they can be tolerated. If the pain is less severe, or once more severe pain begins to reduce, behavior modification is often recommended, such as making sure to take breaks during long periods of activity.03-Apr-2014

Can a TENS unit help meralgia paresthetica?

Another treatment that may work for your symptoms is a TENS unit. A TENS unit is an electronic “gizmo”. Surface electrodes are taped to the skin around the painful area and gentle electrical stimulation of the skin blocks the pain signal.

What is pregabalin used for?

Pregabalin is used to relieve pain from nerve damage , and it decreases the number of pain signals the nerves send to the brain, causing patients to experience less overall pain. In addition to treating nerve pain, pregabalin is sometimes paired with other medications to treat seizures. It's used for the treatment of fibromyalgia.

How do steroids help with meralgia?

Like cortisol, the steroids reduce inflammation in the nerve and provide temporary pain relief. There are a few potential side effects like pain around the site of the injection, nerve damage, and joint infection. When the medication is administered, the needle injects it into the 'tunnel' the nerve travels through. Steroid injections are done on a short outpatient basis. Patients may have them performed in a clinic, hospital, or surgery center. After a few minutes of monitoring, the doctor will clear the patient to return home. Patients will also be given information on how to relieve potential side effects.

What is the best medicine for meralgia?

The most commonly used medications are gabapentin, phenytoin, and pregabalin. Gabapentin is a medication used to treat both epilepsy and nerve pain in adults, and it may be a good choice when treating meralgia paresthetica caused by diabetic neuropathy. The medication stabilizes electrical impulses in the brain and affects the way nerves send ...

How long does it take for meralgia paresthetica to go away?

The symptoms of meralgia paresthetica tend to go away after a few months. To treat the disease, doctors focus on relieving nerve compression. One of the conservative measures patients can take is to lose excess weight, as losing weight keeps the nerve from being compressed.

How does phenytoin help with nerve pain?

Phenytoin is usually used to treat seizures, but it can also be used to help with nerve pain. It works by decreasing the amount of electrical activity in a patient's brain.

What is the effect of tricyclic antidepressants on the body?

A tricyclic antidepressant increases the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the body. In addition, they block acetylcholine, an additional neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine causes the contraction of muscles and allows the nerves to send pain signals.

What are the risk factors for meralgia paresthetica?

Risk factors include being obese or overweight, since this can increase pressure on the nerve. A nerve injury related to diabetes can also lead to meralgia paresthetica. Pregnant women are also at an increased risk. The risk is also heightened for those between thirty and sixty years old.

What is the best medication for meralgia paresthetica?

Tricyclic antidepressants to relieve the pain for some people with meralgia paresthetica. Anti-seizure medications to help reduce pain. Your doctor might prescribe gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise), pregabalin (Lyrica), or phenytoin (Dilantin). In rare cases, surgery.

How to treat meralgia paresthetica?

Often, the numbness, tingling, or pain of meralgia paresthetica can be remedied with simple steps such as weight loss, exercise, or wearing looser clothing. If initial treatment is not effective for you, your doctor has a number of medication options, such as corticosteroids, tricyclic antidepressants, and anti-seizure medications.

What is the nerve that supplies sensation to the skin surface of your thigh?

Meralgia paresthetica. Also called Bernhardt-Roth syndrome, meralgia paresthetica is caused by compression or pinching of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This nerve supplies sensation to the skin surface of your thigh.

What is the treatment for persistent meralgia?

In this case, recommended treatment may include medications to relieve symptoms or, in rare cases, surgery.

What to take for a swollen ear?

If the discomfort is too much of a distraction or hinderance in daily life, your doctor might recommend an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever such as: 1 aspirin 2 acetaminophen (Tylenol) 3 ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

Does compression of the thigh nerve cause numbness?

Compression of this nerve causes numbness, tingling, stinging, or burning pain on the surface of your thigh, but it does not affect your ability to use your leg muscles.

How does a nerve conduction study work?

This test evaluates how well your lateral femoral cutaneous nerve sends electrical impulses to the surrounding muscles. To measure electrical impulses, your doctor places electrodes along the LFCN. These electrodes measure how fast the LFCN transmits impulses.

What are the symptoms of meralgia paresthetica?

Many people with meralgia paresthetica experience symptoms including: Pain on the outer thigh, which may extend down to the outer side of the knee. Burning, aching, tingling, stabbing or numbness in the thigh. Symptoms on only one side of the body. Worse pain when your thigh is touched lightly.

What causes a LFCN to compress?

These can include injury to the hip area; medical conditions like obesity, pregnancy, and diabetes; and wearing clothing that is too tight or belts in the waist area.

What nerve is involved in numbness and burning sensations?

Meralgia paresthetica is a medical condition resulting from compression (pressure on or squeezing) of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). This large nerve supplies sensation to the front and side of your thigh. Meralgia paresthetica results in sensations of aching, burning, numbness, or stabbing in the thigh area.

What is the test for lead in the pelvic area?

A thorough physical examination will be performed including a hands-on test called a pelvic compression test, in which the doctor applies pressure on your thigh to rule out other causes of your symptoms.

What tests are done to check thyroid?

Other light touch and reflex tests may also be performed. Your doctor may order blood tests to check thyroid hormone levels, B vitamin levels, lead levels, and for signs of anemia and diabetes. An X-ray of your pelvis and thigh may be ordered to rule out other medical conditions, like bone tumors.

Can you have meralgia paresthetica if you have tight clothing?

You are also more likely to develop meralgia paresthetica if you: Wear tight clothing, girdles, or tight stockings or wear a heavy utility belt (like a tool belt or police gun belt) Have legs of two different lengths. Live with medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or alcoholism.

What nerve is burning in the outer leg?

If you trace the area of pain or burning over the outer leg and have one of the mechanisms of compression listed above then there is a good shot that you’re lateral femoral cutaneous nerve the culprit. In more difficult cases there are several special tests that can be performed to obtain a diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of meralgia parathetica?

These symptoms are generally only on one leg and brought on my walking, prolonged standing, or activities such as running . Numbness and tingling on the outer leg.

What nerve causes a parathetical sensation?

Meralgia Parathetica occurs when the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve becomes irritable by generally mechanical compression (pinched nerve). This is a cutaneous nerve which means it supplies the touch sensation to the skin of the outer leg.

How to cure meralgia paresthetica?

Eliminating the cause of compression should be the first objective when trying to cure meralgia paresthetica. Exercise to Relieve Meralgia Parathetica Step by Step. Lunge forward with the painful leg behind. Rotate leg inward to put tension on the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve.

What is a functional exam for meralgia parasthetica?

1) Meralgia Parasthetica Exercises (Functional Exam and Exercises) Since the nerves that run down the front and outside of the leg originating from the upper lumbar spine (L1-3), it needs to be assessed for dynamic control.

What is the purpose of osteopathic joint pumping?

Osteopathic Joint Pumping – The purpose of CPR is to force blood (fluid) through the heart with a pumping action to save someone’s life . This approach is basically the same concept for forcing water into stiff and dehydrated muscles, tendons, joints and fascia.

What is the connective tissue that covers, envelopes, and forms an intricate system that connects all areas of the

Fascia is the connective tissue that covers, envelopes, and forms an intricate system that connects all areas of the body into one continuous organism. This system in order to function properly needs to be both well hydrated, free of friction, and maintain proper orientation.

What is the term for a leg nerve that is pinched?

Meralgia paresthetica is a condition in which there is too much pressure on one of the nerves in your leg or other damage to a leg nerve. The term “pinched nerve” applies to meralgia paresthetica. This can also be a side effect of obesity as a large belly can cause that pressure on the nerves in question.

How to treat meralgia paresthetica?

Meralgia paresthetica is usually treated by managing the patient’s weight, pain medication and ultimately, exercise. The exercise can not only help with any weight loss that you may need as well as stretching and building the muscles in the areas that can help relieve the pain.

What to do if you pull a muscle in your thigh?

Medication. Certain medications like painkillers can help relieve some of the pain and pressure in your outer thigh. Aspirin, acetaminophen, naproxen, or ibuprofen are all recommended to help out. 2. Weight loss.

How to get rid of a swollen thigh?

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Slowly raise the hips off the ground until the body is in a straight line, pushing the heels into the floor and squeezing the glutes at the top. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat.

Is surgery necessary for meralgia paresthetica?

In the very worst cases of meralgia paresthetica, surgery may be necessary. The surgery should relieve the pressure on the nerve and provide instant relief of any associated pain. That being said, surgery does carry the risks of infection and even possible nerve damage.

Can a corticosteroid shot help with meralgia?

While normally reserved for joint pain, a corticosteroid shot can help relieve the pain and pressure of meralgia paresthetica. This relief can be temporary and multiple shots may be required.

How to stretch quadriceps?

Quadriceps Stretch. Stand facing a wall with one hand on the wall for balance. While bending one leg at the knee, bring your foot toward your rear end. Reach back with your free hand and gently guide your foot closer to your body. Do this until you feel a little bit of stretch in the front of the thigh.

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