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basis for comparison example

by Nova Torp Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Figures relating to intermediate days in the year are not published as they do not afford a basis of comparison between one year and another. A fair basis of comparison would be by the gross-ton-mile unit, which is a measure of the weight of traffic which passes over the road.5 days ago

Full Answer

What is the basis of comparison?

The basis of comparison assumes a common semantico-syntactic domain for the relevant expressions. Of course, much of the interest of this proposal will depend on the particular belief chosen to provide the basis of comparison with theistic belief.

What is an example of comparison in a sentence?

Examples of Comparison: Her smile was as bright as the sunshine. Life is a long and winding road. The child was a bear when he woke up with a sore throat.

Do similarity scores provide a sound basis for comparison?

The results appear generalizable, and provide a sound basis of comparison for further work in the field. In themselves the similarity scores are not very informative, since we have no basis of comparison. We believe it is important for scholars to consider the reinterpretation before using the conventional wisdom as the basis of comparison.

How to compare and contrast two things?

When comparing and contrasting two things, make sure that you can come up with the basis for comparison. Once you are able to know the basis for comparison, you should be bale to think critically between the things that you are comparing. How to Conduct a Good Comparative Analysis Essay?

What does no basis for comparison mean?

othing in common, no way to make a compariso.

What is an example of a comparison?

The definition of a comparison is the act of finding out the differences and similarities between two or more people or things. An example of comparison is tasting different years of pinot noir wine back to back and discussing their differences. With a negation, the state of being similar or alike.

What is an example of comparison and contrast?

Generally speaking, comparing is showing the similarities, and contrasting is showing differences between two things that are related in some way. For example, you wouldn't compare/contrast reading a book to driving a car, but you would compare reading a book to reading with an e-reader.

What is the basis of the comparison?

It means that you are comparing similar characteristics. You need to make sure you're using the same measure for your comparison to be valid. For instance, you might ask, “Who is a better basketball player, Jordan or James?” The other person might ask, what's your basis of comparison?”

How do you write a comparison?

Structure Your Paper Consider how you will present the information. You could present all of the similarities first and then present all of the differences. Or you could go point by point and show the similarity and difference of one point, then the similarity and difference for another point, and so on.

What are the 3 comparisons?

They are used to show what is different or similar about two or more things. There are three kinds of possible comparisons: equal, comparative and superlative.

How do you start a comparison paragraph example?

Begin with a topic sentence that explains one area of comparison between your first subject and your second subject. For example, if your subjects are two different countries and your paragraph topic is political structure, you can start by broadly describing each country's political processes.

How do you write a comparative essay example?

Writing a comparative essayRead the topic carefully.Give roughly equal weight to each text.Choose your preferred structure.Focus on differences as well as similarities.Use linking words and phrases.Explore a range of elements.

What are 5 things to compare and contrast?

Compare and contrast essay topics for 2020 on TeenagersPaying for college or getting a scholarship.Life in high school vs life in college.Online tuitions or home tuitions.Getting a college degree or getting a job.Working in college vs freelancing in college.Spending money on education vs spending money on fun.More items...•

What is the basis for comparison in laburnum top?

The basis of the comparison is the sleek, abrupt and alert movements of a lizard. The same kinds of movements are observed when the goldfinch arrives on the laburnum tree. Was this answer helpful?

What is the basis of comparison compared to bird movement?

Answer: The bird's movement is compared to that of a lizard. Both are sleek, alert and abrupt. This is why, the comparison is very apt and convincing.

Why is she compared to a lizard?

Answer: The movement of the goldfinch is compared to that of a lizard. The basis of the comparison is the sleek, alert and sudden movements of a lizard. The goldfinch makes similar kind of movements when it arrives on the Laburnum .

How to compare two recipes?

In comparing two recipes the most important thing is how it tastes to you or humans whom you are trying to please. To analyze two or more recipes you look for similar ingredients and their quantity and then check for different ingredients and their quantity which also makes a difference in how something tastes.

What is theoretical basis?

There is already a good explanation for what “theoretical basis” means, but here is a good example of that idea being put to use in the real world: “The theoretical basis of a bachelor's or master's thesis sets forth the aims of the project and defines its research and development tasks.

What is the difference between daily and daily basis?

What is the difference between “daily” and “ daily basis” (word meaning, phrase meaning, difference, and English)? Daily means “happening every day,” at least for a while. Daily basis, implies that there is a planned schedule for something to occur every day.

How to analyze two or more recipes?

To analyze two or more recipes you look for similar ingredients and their quantity and then check for different ingredients and their quantity which also makes a difference in how something tastes. Compare two or more things and you are really analyzing the similarities and the differences in them.

What does it mean when you compare Jordan and James?

Since both Jordan and James played the same game, similar stati. Continue Reading. It means that you are comparing similar characteristics. You need to make sure you’re using the same measure for your comparison to be valid. For instance, you might ask, “Who is a better basketball player, Jordan or James?”.

Why are differences threatening?

Differences are sometimes threatening to your way of thinking and doing things so we generally try to avoid very different humans, behaviors, and activities which may seem like a threat to our lifestyle or way of doing things and thinking about the world.

What is comparative analysis?

A comparative analysis essay is a type of essay that involves comparing and contrasting two things. This is a higher level of analysis in an essay. In this essay, you may be asked to compare or contrast different positions with regards to a particular issue, theories, figures, events or texts in literature.

How to write a comparative essay?

Plan for the content of your essay. You should be able to identify the features of your essay in which it mainly involves comparing and contrasting. List down the similarities and differences of two different subjects. This will help you develop an initial plan for your comparative essay.

What is a thesis statement in comparative essay?

Your thesis statement reflects how the subjects written in your list share more of the similarities than the differences or vice versa. Develop a structure for your essay. All of the essays have a specific structure to follow. Every comparative essay must be written in an organized way just like any essay should be.

1. Positive degree of comparison

The first type of degree of comparison, the positive degree of comparison, is basically the adjective in its simple form. That means it just tells us about the presence or existence of a quality of a particular thing. This type of degree of comparison offers no comparison at all.

2. Comparative degree of comparison

As the name already suggests, this is a type of degree of comparison that shows a comparison between two things. That means a comparative degree of comparison shows a higher degree of quality than the positive degree type. It is basically used when the quality of two sets of things or two individual things are compared to one another.

3. Superlative degree of comparison

This is the final type of degree of comparison. And unlike the others, the superlative degree of comparison offers a comparison of quality of more than two things. They aim at denoting the highest quality of a person or a thing.

What is the purpose of compare and contrast?

Purpose. The purpose of compare and contrast in writing is to illuminate the similarities and differences of the subjects. When you are able to distinguish things belonging in different categories, you are helping the audience increase their level of understanding on that particular class or category.

What is the conclusion of an essay?

The conclusion of an essay summarizes all your main points and consists of a statement that allows the readers to be left with your understanding about what you have written. In comparison essay, the body are structured in a way that it should observe either of the two basic approaches.

How to assess yourself?

You might encounter a topic that requires deep understanding of a particular theme or requires you to take focus on the construction of texts, form or genre. You should also allow yourself to engage in topics that contains one or two quotes. This makes you recognize the context in each of the quotes, identify its ideas and understand how are these explored.

What is the structure of an essay?

Every structure of an essay includes the introduction, body of paragraph and conclusion. The introduction of an essay would allow you to provide a clear overview of your topic or discussion which enables you to hook the attention of your readers. This should also contain the main ideas of your essay. The body of paragraph contains your explanations, arguments and supporting claims. The conclusion of an essay summarizes all your main points and consists of a statement that allows the readers to be left with your understanding about what you have written. In comparison essay, the body are structured in a way that it should observe either of the two basic approaches.

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